STAFFORD COUNTY, VA - Fatal Truck Accident on I-95
STAFFORD, VA - July 5, 2023 - The Virginia State Police have reported a fatal truck accident on I-95 Northbound just outside of Fredericksburg this morning, near Centreport Parkway and Exit 136. I-95 North is currently shut down while the investigation is underway, while south-bound traffic remains unaffected. The crash happened around 4:40am today.
Officials have confirmed that the truck accident also included other vehicles, but would not say how many. Pictures of the scene confirmed at least two other vehicles, one a black sedan, and the other appears to be a red-in color car or SUV, were involved. The truck involved rolled onto its side, but it is unclear if this happened during the collision, or after.
Sadly, two people were reported to have been killed in the accident, while at least one other person has been injured. The condition of the injured person has not been released.
The cause of the accident is, at the time of writing, unknown.
Blaszkow Legal extends its condolences to the families of those killed, and wishes a speedy recovery for the person injured in this tragic collision.
Truck Accidents in Virginia
Truck accidents happen frequently on Virginia highways - some are the result of negligent truck drivers, while others happen because speeding cars cut off or slam into semis, starting chain reactions that can have deadly consequences. It is very important to properly investigate this crashes to figure out how it happened, and who is responsible.
It is the job of an experienced Virginia Truck Accident Lawyer to hold the negligent parties responsible for the injured people, and the families of those who may have lost a loved one.
Investigating Virginia Truck Accidents
Most truck accidents in Virginia, especially those on the Interstates, are worked by the Virginia State Police's crash reconstruction unit. Within that unit are troopers who are specifically trained to investigate commercial vehicle collisions. These troopers are well trained, and will often be able to determine the root-cause of the truck crash.
However, the investigation done into the crash itself is very different from a civil investigation done for the injured person or the family of those killed. While a police crash report determines who is at fault (per the investigator's conclusion), a civil investigation goes several lawyers deeper.
For example: In truck rollover collisions, a police crash report may determine that a
reckless driver cut off a truck, and as the truck driver tried to stop, the load shifted
and the truck rolled.
This determination is perfectly reasonable for a police report. However, it is not the whole story.
In this scenario, the reckless driver is responsible for the crash. But there may be other parties whose negligence contributed to the crash. Because the load shifted, we have to ask how, and why. Was the cargo in the trailer improperly loaded? If so, by whom - someone at the warehouse? A temp company at the warehouse providing manual labor?
A law firm dedicated to truck accidents is going to dig deep and determine not just a single at-fault party, but will investigate to find all those whose negligence contributed to the accident, and the injuries sustained therein.
Wrongful Death Cases in Virginia
Some horrific truck accidents can result in wrongful death claims. These claims have to be handled in a very specific fashion, because of Virginia law. When someone is killed as the result of someone's negligence, an Estate has to be created. This estate is actually different from what most people consider an "estate" after a person dies. What most people assume an estate is, is a probate entity to handle the assets of a decedent, and the distribution of those assets.
A wrongful death estate in Virginia is different, as the proceeds of a wrongful death claim pass outside of a probate estate, to the beneficiaries of a wrongful death claim.
Engaging an Attorney
If you have been injured in a Truck Accident, or lost a loved one as a result of someone's negligence, then you need to speak to an attorney who will handle the huge amount of questions that you want to ask. Many other people are going to have questions for you, from insurance companies to investigators to medical bill collectors. You need time to heal, and to grieve. Don't go through this time alone - call an attorney to shield you from these stresses today.
Virginia Wrongful Death Statute: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title8.01/chapter3/section8.01-50/
Picture Credit: Skytrak 7
Note: When creating these blog posts, our team of writers utilizes external sources, including local and state news sources, social media platforms, police accident incident reports, state police accident reports, and at times, eyewitness accounts. Please contact us immediately if you discover any incorrect information so that we can update the post with the most current, accurate information available.
Disclaimer: This post is not a business solicitation, and none of the information provided in this blog post should be interpreted as medical or legal advice. If you have been injured in an accident, seek immediate medical attention, and call an Attorney right away.