Burke, VA – Crash on Burke Centre Parkway Takes One Life
Burke, VA (July 19, 2023) – One person, a teenager, has died as a result of a major crash that occurred in the Burke area on Tuesday evening, July 18.
According to reports, at around 9:00 p.m., the Fairfax County Police Department responded to the scene of a two-vehicle wreck on Burke Centre Parkway, just outside of the Burke Center Shopping Centre.
Reports show that two vehicles collided in the 5700 block of the roadway. The crash caused at least one vehicle to catch on fire. Bystanders rushed to help to attempt to free the occupants before the fire department arrived.
The incident blocked several lanes as emergency crews worked to clear the scene.
The driver of the Kia sedan that was leaving the shopping center was pronounced deceased at the scene.
Several other victims were injured. Three victims were rushed to area hospitals in critical condition. The fourth injured victim was transported to a local hospital with undisclosed injuries.
The incident is currently under investigation by the Fairfax County Police Department. It has been revealed that the police believe "speed was a factor" regarding the Cadillac, which hit the Kia.
Blaszkow Legal extends its sincerest prayers to the family of the deceased teenager, and our hope that the injured victims make a full recovery.
Fatal Car Accidents in Virginia
Car accidents that result in fatal injuries are, sadly, on the rise. Often times, the person who died is in no way at fault for the accident, itself. These crashes are tragic in the extreme. When a car accident results in a fatality, the family of the deceased has the option of pursuing a claim for wrongful death.
A wrongful death action in Virginia can be a long, drawn out affair, even if the negligent party admits their fault. This is because wrongful death settlements have to be approved by the Court, which requires the filing of a petition. It is very important to speak to a Virginia wrongful death lawyer to take some of the burden off of your family, and get the justice that your family deserves.
When multiple parties are injured
In this horrific accident, multiple innocent people were injured. These people have claims as well, apart from the decedent's family's wrongful death claim. However, there is not likely to be sufficient insurance coverage to go around. Minimum insurance limits in the Commonwealth of Virginia now sit at $30,000 per person, $60,000 per accident. This means that the at fault-insurance company, if the policy is a state-minimum one, will only pay an aggregate of $60,000 to the victims. While the tortfeasor (at fault party) would be liable for much more, the insurance company would only pay out its policy limits.
In this instance, the claimants (including the Administrator of the Estate of the decedent) may open up underinsured motorist claims. Underinsured motorist coverage (UIM) is part of uninsured motorist coverage (UM), and is designed to help injured people recover in these types of situations.
Passengers in an accident would be able to open a UIM claim with the insurance company for the vehicle that they were riding in. However, as before, there may be a coverage limits issue again.
Virginia's Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Law has provisions for such a scenario. The injured parties can also file claims under their own car insurance policies, and potentially other policies that they may be covered under, even if they are not listed drivers. An "insured" includes resident relatives, so they may be covered under parents' or siblings' insurance policies.
These facts and insurance coverage issues are very complicated. Always speak to a Virginia underinsured motorist coverage attorney to review how to proceed with a claim, when there is a risk that there is not enough car insurance to go around.
Pursuing a Claim
If you have been injured, or a loved one has been killed, as the result of another person's negligence, recklessness, and/or carelessness, you have the right and ability to hold that person accountable. Your claim for damages is one of way of getting some measure of justice in a world that is often without.
A Virginia car accident lawyer can help you pursue compensation from the person who is responsible for your crash. This can help to relieve the financial burdens you face related to medical costs, repair costs for your vehicle, and more. It is in your best interest to seek legal representation immediately after your crash to provide yourself with the best chance of getting justice.
At Blaszkow Legal, PLLC, we understand the hardships associated with personal injury and strive to provide you with the highest standard of legal representation. Our team of experienced attorneys is here to make sure that your rights are properly protected and that you get justice for any wrongdoings. We are dedicated to providing only the best service possible and helping you navigate through tough situations. Call us today at 703-879-5910 for a free consultation so that we can discuss your case in detail and help guide you toward a solution.
Note: When creating these blog posts, our team of writers utilizes external sources, including local and state news sources, social media platforms, police accident incident reports, state police accident reports, and at times, eyewitness accounts. Please contact us immediately if you discover any incorrect information so that we can update the post with the most current, accurate information available.
Disclaimer: This post is not a business solicitation, and none of the information provided in this blog post should be interpreted as medical or legal advice. If you have been injured in an accident, seek immediate medical attention.
Virginia Uninsured Motorist statute (as amended July 1, 2023): https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title38.2/chapter22/section38.2-2206/