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Lyft passenger accident lawyerLyft has replaced taxis as the dominant mode of transportation for getting from one place to another, in Alexandria, and across Northern Virginia. Their little pink window signs and stickers are more prevalent than ever. And most Lyft drivers are calm and competent motorists, who obey the rules of the road. But every now and again, one of these Lyft vehicles will get into an accident when a passenger is on board. If you have been involved in a car accident as a Lyft passenger, then you need to contact an experienced Lyft passenger car accident attorney right away.

Contact Blaszkow Legal PLLC for a free review of your Lyft accident case, by calling 703-879-5910

Who is Responsible

Just because you have been in a car accident while a passenger in a Lyft, does not automatically mean that your claim is against Lyft. If you have been injured in a car accident, your claim is against the person who's negligence caused the accident. Here are two examples:

  • Example 1. You are a passenger in a Lyft, on your way to the Tysons Corner mall. You are stopped at a red light. While completely stopped, you are rear-ended by a small truck

    • Because the truck failed to stop, failed to keep a proper lookout, and failed to apply brakes when necessary, your claim is against the truck who rear-ended you.

  • Example 2. You are a passenger in a Lyft vehicle and your driver is trying to turn left across a busy thoroughfare. In the process of turning, the Lyft is hit by an oncoming vehicle.

    • You have two potential claims. You have a potential claim against the driver who struck the Lyft vehicle, because perhaps that vehicle may have been speeding or otherwise driving erratically (based on the facts). You also have a potential claim against the Lyft driver, because the driver turned when it was not safe to do so, or failed to yield the right of way

A determination of negligence is very fact-specific

Damages That Can Be Claimed in a Lyft Car Accident

If you have been injured, you do have the ability to file a claim for your damages. Damages is a term used in the legal industry that represents all of the elements that go into computing the compensation that you deserve. This includes, among others:

  • Medical expenses

  • Pain and suffering

  • Time lost from work

  • Loss of earning capacity

  • Permanent injury

  • Scarring

  • Disfigurement

  • Inconvenience

  • Emotional distress.

Filing a Claim as a Lyft Passenger and Riding in the Future

If it turns out that you have a claim against the driver of your vehicle while you are a Lyft passenger, this will not affect your ability to ride as a passenger on the app. You may continue to use the app, and the service as normal. Your claim is against the driver, and Lyft is merely the insurance provider (not carrier) of that driver. In Virginia, Lyft is a TNC, or Transportation Network Company.

As of this writing, There have been no reported cases of Lyft refusing to provide services to someone who filed a claim against one of the drivers.

Lyft Cases and Lawsuits

There is no way for an attorney to guarantee that your case will or will not litigate. This is a very fact specific proposition. There are instances when certain insurance companies will require litigation if the the amount being claimed is large. But this is again not always the case. Many things depend on the attorney, and how the case is prepared.

Statistically, we can say that over 80% of the claims worked by this office settle without going to court. Of the cases that do proceed to litigation, well over half will settle before actually going to trial.

Contacting a Lyft Passenger Accident Attorney

If you have been involved in an accident while a Lyft passenger, you have a claim for the damages that you have suffered, and the injuries that you have sustained. You need to ensure that your rights are protected, and the case is worked in a manner that best serves you. For that, you need the team at Blaszkow Legal, PLLC. We fight hard for all of our clients from the moment they walk in the office. Call us now for a free consultation.

Get Justice with Joe: 703-879-5910