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Amazon Prime Truck Accident Attorney | Van Accident LawyerAmazon Delivery and Amazon Prime Accident Attorneys

Amazon deliveries are wonderous: they can get you almost anything, almost anywhere! To facilitate this, Amazon has fleets of trucks and vans on the road, almost around the clock. However, their increased business has lead to increased pressure on drivers, and this has lead to recklessness, sloppiness, and negligence - which, regrettably, has lead to some serious accidents caused by Amazon drivers.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck accident involving an Amazon or Amazon Prime Delivery Driver, then you need to speak to an experienced truck accident attorney right away! Amazon has not made their claims process easy - you need someone to fight for you, against one of the biggest companies in the world.

Call Blaszkow Legal for a free consultation!

Why Do I Need An Attorney To Handle My Claim?

As we explain in more detail below, Amazon has intentionally made the process of obtaining compensation very difficult. They have created a complicated corporate structure, and insulated themselves with subsidiaries and contractors. If you do not name the right party the right way, your claim will be delayed significant.

The Amazon Truck Accident Attorneys at Blaszkow Legal are well aware of the games played by Amazon, its contractors, and their insurance companies. We know their arguments, and we know how to fight them, to obtain maximum compensation for our clients.

Lastly, but certainly not leastly, a truck accident lawyer is going to protect you from yourself. Amazon and its insurance companies will work hard to talk to you as soon as possible, to get you to say something they can use against you to deny your claim. Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC practice a unique legal theory known as contributory negligence. This means that if they can argue that you were even 1% responsible for the happening of the crash, then you cannot recover! We don't let them talk to you, at all. They talk to us, only.

How Does a Claim Against Amazon Work?

Asked another way: what is my attorney doing? In short, we are working hard from the moment you retain us to prove your case. It is our responsibility to prove two separate and distinct parts of your claim: 1) that the collision was the fault of the Amazon driver, and 2) that the injuries you sustained are causally linked to the crash.

We set our team to work immediately gathering all of the evidence we need to make your claim, and prove it. This includes:

  • Launching an immediate investigation into the facts of the crash. This allows us to review liability, and analyze any arguments Amazon is going to try to make against you, the injured person

  • Locating applicable camera footage, pictures, and other items of physical evidence. Camera footage does not last, and will be overwritten if it is not preserved and maintained. The sooner you call Blaszkow Legal, the sooner our investigators can find and save the evidence!

  • Interviewing witnesses. Just like camera footage, memories can be lost, or fade, over time. After all, who remembers where they were going at 7:16 am, 17 months ago? We identify and interview witnesses, and preserve their testimony so it is not lost.

  • Presenting evidence to the insurance companies involved. Once your case is ready, we submit a settlement-demand package to the insurance company, specifically written to highlight the datapoints searched for by their mega-computers (versions of Colossus software). The negotiations begin at that point, and we give you the best advice possible, given our years of experience.

  • Pushing for your recovery, up to and including in Court. Insurance companies love to minimize claims, or deny them. We don't dance to their tune. If they do not get to a fair value, then we prepare to fight them in Court.

What If I Can't Afford to Hire an Amazon Accident Lawyer?

You can! At Blaszkow Legal, we handle all truck accidents and other personal injury cases on a contingency-fee basis. This means that there is no money up-front. We only collect our fee, if you collect money. Additionally, we advance many expenses on your behalf, like the cost of obtaining medical records and monies needed for investigative costs, like camera footage and FOIA requests.

Amazon Prime Truck Accident Attorney | Van Accident Lawyer

Speak to an Amazon Accident Lawyer today!

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Amazon Prime Truck Accident Attorney | Van Accident LawyerWho Was At Fault for Your Amazon Truck Accident?

As we said, Amazon has created a very unique business model to make money, and make the deliveries that many of us find essential. It is our job to investigate your case, and figure out who was liable - and who was responsible for the negligent actions that caused your injuries.

When you see an Amazon Prime van, you probably assume it is owned and operated by Amazon. This is not always the case. In fact, it rarely is. Regardless of what it says on the side of the truck, there are different possibilities:

  1. Amazon-owned vehicle: In certain situations, the vehicle is, indeed, owned by Amazon. But which Amazon? Have you ever looked on the State Corporation Commission's website, and typed in "Amazon?" There are dozens of Amazon corporate entities, including LLCs, which may be the actual vehicle owner.

  2. Delivery Service Partner (DSP): Amazon hires smaller companies to handle certain routes for them. These companies, which can own one van or a hundred, often will have "Amazon" or "Prime" on the side of their trucks, as permitted by their contract with Amazon. Amazon itself admits that they contract with over 3,500 different DSPs!

  3. Amazon Flex: People can deliver Amazon packages in their own cars, through the Amazon Flex program. Some drivers find this very lucrative, and will buy their own van or SUV to haul packages.

Regardless of the ownership of the van, depending on the facts of the crash, the individual vehicle liability insurance may not be enough. Someone who is catastrophically injured, and requires lifetime medical care, will probably find $1,000,000 insufficient compensation. So we look a little harder. Amazon tries to insulate itself through these contractors, but they are not always successful!

Amazon, regardless of its corporate relationships, maintains a very strict and stringent level of control over its contractors' actions, thus calling into question the "agency" relationship. Long story short, this means Amazon could still be liable, even though contractors were involved in your car, van, or truck accident. Much depends on the facts of the crash, your injuries, and your total claim for damages.

What is my Amazon Accident Case Worth?

You are entitled to file a claim for compensation based on the valuation of your damages. Damages is a legal term that tries to hit on each and every way that the crash impact you, and effected the various parts of your life. The most common elements of damages include:

Cost of Medical Treatment

Medical Treatment includes hospital visits, follow-up care, physical therapy, surgery, prescriptions, rehabilitations, home-healthcare, etc. This is not contingent on what you paid out of your pocket. The total cost of your medical treatment is part of your claim.

Time Lost from Work

If you have missed time from work, this will be part of your claim, whether your leave was paid, or unpaid. If you used sick time or vacation days, this too counts towards your damages.

Forecasted/Future Expenses and Loss

In some instances, a doctor may state that you will need treatment in the future, possibly for the rest of your life. This anticipated expense will become part of your claim. This is also true if you are unable to return to work: this future lost-wage claim will also become an element of your damages.

Property Damage and Diminished Value

If your car was damaged, or your lost certain items like glasses or telephones, this is part of your claim. If your car was damaged and repaired, and lost some of its value, this is known as a Diminished Value claim (note - DV claims usually only apply to newer vehicles). Blaszkow Legal is one of the few law firms in the DMV to handle these claims.

Pain and Suffering

Everyone has heard this term, but few can define it. There is no law book that says a broken arm is worth "X" and a cracked rib is worth "Y." Pain and suffering is a catch-all term, used by the Courts, to capture all of your pain, inconvenience, humiliation, embarassment, and trauma. It is our job to prove this with evidence, such as medical documentation, and the testimony of those who know you.

If I Have Been In An Accident With an Amazon Prime Van, What Do I Do?

After any crash involving an Amazon vehicle, take the following steps to protect you, and protect your case:

  • Call the Police

  • Take lots of pictures and videos

  • Get pictures of the at-fault driver's state driver's license, not just the insurance card! (But get a picture of that, too).

  • Be sure to record any names on the truck or van, as well as numbers such as USDOT numbers or "LLC" names

  • Go to the Hospital. Do not put off a thorough medical evaluation!

  • Contact Blaszkow Legal right away, at 703-879-5910, day or night!

  • DO NOT speak to any insurance companies, until you have spoken to your lawyer first. REMEMBER - anything you say - to anyone! - Amazon can and will use against you!

Have you been injured by an Amazon or Amazon Prime Truck or Van? Then call the Prime Lawyers Today!

If you or a loved one has been hurt by an Amazon or Amazon Prime truck or van, then you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. You do not have to feel helpless against a huge corporation like that! An experienced Amazon Truck Accident Law Firm is your ticket to your recovery - call today for a free consultation!

Alexandria/Northern Virginia Office:
5270 Shawnee Road #102, Alexandria, Va. 22312

Richmond Office:
7824 Shrader Road, Richmond, Va. 23294

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Get Justice with Joe Blaszkow!

Joe Blaszkow is a Georgetown Law graduate, and has been fighting the biggest companies for his clients for many years. He has taken on Uber and Lyft, and isn't to do battle against Amazon, either. He pioneered the Blaszkow Legal Method to maximize his client's recoveries.

Call 703-879-5910 for a free consultation!