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FedEx Truck Accident | Truck Accident AttorneyFedEx Truck Accidents

In today's world, you can click any number of websites, and buy something that shows up at your door tomorrow! This is accomplished through a network of delivery services, including FedEx. These delivery services increase almost daily, putting more and more trucks on the road, from big-rig tractor-trailers to small delivery vans, on every road, and every state across the country. More vehicles equals a higher risk of accidents! Delivery drivers face a whole host of special challenges that are not faced by regular drivers, and the accidents caused by these trucks result in a very confused process.

Motor vehicle accidents involving trucks, vans, and other commercial vehicles, are very complicated, because there are so many moving parts. There is a huge question of who is liable? Is it the driver? Is it FedEx? Is it some unknown, third-party contractor? A dispatching company? Well, finding all of that out is exactly our job! Blaszkow Legal is one of Virginia's premier truck accident law firms, and we are ready and able to take on the big trucking companies to fight for the compensation you deserve as the result of your injuries.

Call today for a free consultation at any one of our offices, anywhere in the DMV!

How to Determine Liability in FedEx Truck Accidents

FedEx trucks have the potential to cause serious damage, and injure you and other motorists, just like any other truck or commercial vehicle. The FedEx big rigs are many thousands of pounds, and are often moving down the highway at over 60 miles an hour. Impact with a small, 2000-lb car can be catastrophic. These cases can get even more complicated, when the fact pattern involves travel across not just one or two states, but many. The first thing that we have to do in any case, is investigate and find out what happened, and who is responsible.

Who is at fault?

This question is very fact-specific. Some drivers are negligent because they themselves failed to obey the rules of the road, and it is as simple as that. However, some drivers feel crushed under the weight of absolute requirements to deliver X number of packages in Y number of hours. This may implicate other liability for management staff. Regardless of how the crash happened, there are many potential parties and it is our job to identify them, and to provide notification during the claims process. Some examples of who could be at fault for the truck crash:

  • The driver of the truck.

  • The trucking company itself. Just because it says FedEx on the side of the truck, does not mean it is owned and operated by FedEx. Indeed, it may be owned by a dedicated service partner, or other contractor. If it is a contractor, then we have to notify that company, not just the branded carrier.

  • The owner of the trailer.

  • The service personnel or other maintenance person, if the crash was caused due to a defective or worn part, or because maintenance that should have been done, was not done.

  • The loader of the cargo. Some truck accidents happen because the cargo shifts in transit. This may be a claim against the loaders.

  • FedEx itself.

Investigating FedEx Truck Accidents

Blaszkow Legal is one of the only law firms in Virginia that has a team of lawyers, paralegals, and investigators who were also once police officers who dedicated their previous careers to traffic enforcement and crash investigation. We set our teams to work investigating FedEx truck accidents immediately.

It is vital to begin an investigation as soon as possible after the crash. Many people make the mistake of waiting to talk to a lawyer until their medical treatment is done, or until an insurance company begins to stonewall them. Unfortunately, evidence that is not maintained or preserved, is often lost for good.

In truck accidents, it is vital to locate and preserve important data to prevent it from being overwritten:

  • Camera footage

  • Data from the truck's electronic control module (ECM)

  • Data from a vehicle's airbag sensor

  • Data from other internal computers

  • Data from onboard computers

  • Dispatch logs and radio transmissions

  • Text messages and internal emails

Of course, we also use more traditional investigative techniques, such as interviewing witnesses. There again, we need to do that as soon as possible, rather than later. After all, do you remember where you were on March 15th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.? Of course you don't! It's vital that we interview someone while the memory of what happened is fresh in his or her mind. The sooner we can record that interview, and make note of it, the better chance we have of getting an accurate recollection.

Have you been hurt in a FedEx accident?

Speak to an Attorney today!

FedEx Truck Accident | Truck Accident AttorneyWhat does a FedEx Truck Accident Attorney do?

The job of a truck accident attorney is to oversee all of the pieces of a personal injury case. In a FedEx truck accident, one of the main things that we do is to speak to all of the insurance companies, and insulate you from their nagging calls and emails. It is our job to protect you - even from yourself!

In Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC, all car accidents and truck accidents are governed by laws of "contributory negligence." This means that if a person who was hurt in an accident is even 1% responsible for the happening of that accident, then he or she cannot recover! This is a very high standard, and a harsh one. Because of that, the insurance companies can and will use anything that you say against you. The more that they can do to attack or minimize your case, they will!

What do I do if I am involved in a FedEx Truck Crash?

If you are involved in a car or truck accident with a FedEx truck, FedEx van, or any FedEx delivery vehicle, then you can take the following steps to protect yourself, and to protect your claims:

  1. STAY SAFE. Getting out of your car is not always the best situation. Roadways are dangerous places, and many people have been involved in an accident, at the scene of yet another accident. Call 911 immediately, and wait for the police to stop traffic and control the scene!

  2. TAKE PICTURES. If and when it is safe to do so, take all of the pictures and videos you can, of absolutely everything that you can. This includes your vehicle, the FedEx vehicle, any other vehicles involved, any witnesses or pedestrians, debris, roadway markings, drag marks, signs, absolutely everything! This includes videos, too!

  3. IDENTIFY THE FEDEX DRIVER. This means getting a copy (PICTURE!) of his commercial driver's license, not just the insurance card. You need the name, address, telephone number, email address, and employer of the FedEx driver.
    Identify the company involved! Ask the driver who he works for, or ask the police to give that information for you. Do not just simply accept fedex. Ask to see the registration information, and any other documents confirming who the driver actually works for.

  4. GET CONTACT INFO OF WITNESSES! The police will sometimes record one or two witnesses' information, but there is often more than that at the scene. If possible, independently get their names and contact information.

  5. DO NOT MAKE ANY STATEMENTS ABOUT THE CRASH! Remember, anything you say can - AND WILL! - be used against you! Limit what you say as much as possible to bullet points, and only answer the questions posed. Never admit fault, or to breaking any law or rule of the road!

  6. GET MEDICAL TREATMENT! If you were hurt, then go to the hospital. Do not continue on to that meeting that you're now late for. Go to a hospital now. A truck accident involves a massive vehicle hitting a smaller one. There may be trauma that you are not feeling right now, because of the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You need to get evaluated by a competent medical doctor immediately, who can give you an independent evaluation.

  7. CALL A FEDEX TRUCK ACCIDENT ATTORNEY. The sooner you call Blaszkow Legal, the sooner we can begin investigating your case, and holding the negligent driver and company responsible!

What is my Truck Accident case worth?

This is the most common question that we get asked in all truck accident cases. However, we cannot see the future. We can give you the benefit of our knowledge and experience, but every case is different. What your case is worth is not going to be the same as what your friend's case was worth, because the injuries and the facts are likely to be different.

Your claim extends to your damages, or all of the ways that the accident has impacted you, in every facet of your life. Some of the most common elements of damages that we can claim include:

  • Medical expenses

  • Future medical expenses

  • Time loss from work

  • Future time lost from work

  • Loss of earning capacity

  • Impairment in activities of daily living

  • Permanency

  • Scarring

  • Disfigurement

  • Property damage

  • Diminished value

  • Pain and suffering

Call a FedEx Truck Accident Lawyer today!

If you have been hurt due to the negligence of a FedEx truck, then you don't have to let big insurance outfits for big corporations push you around. Call Blaszkow Legal today, and our Truck Accident Attorneys will fight for you, and your compensation. . The sooner you get to us, the sooner we can begin investigating, and the sooner we can begin documenting your damages. It is our job to build the case against the at-fault party or parties, and we need your help! We can hold these mega-companies accountable for their actions, but only if you call Blaszkow Legal. To ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve, due to the negligence of another driver, call the team that has fought these big companies, and won!

If you or your family members have been hurt in a FedEx accident, then call Blaszkow Legal today and get Justice with Joe!

Alexandria/Northern Virginia Office:
5270 Shawnee Road #102, Alexandria, Va. 22312

Richmond Office:
7824 Shrader Road, Richmond, Va. 23294

Hablamos Espanol!

Photo Credit: ABC 7, 1) Cerritos California and 2) KRCR

Get Justice with Joe - the Truck Accident Attorney

Joe Blaszkow is one of the leading truck accident attorneys serving Virginia, DC, and Maryland. He has helped families who have lost loved ones, and people who have been hurt, all due to the negligence of drivers and companies. Call today for a free consultation!