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Every vehicle has a blind spot. On most small cars, this blind spot is not that big, and a driver can overcome the very presence of this blind spot by looking before he merges or changes lanes. However, on a tractor trailer, and other big trucks, these blind spots are significantly bigger. Accidents that happen when a truck merges and strikes a vehicle in its blind spot have the tendency to be very severe and sometimes tragic accidents.

Even with the blind spots, however, a competent and professional truck driver can still operate his big rig safely. When a truck driver does not operate safely, and instead drives negligently, and causes a blind spot accident, the person who is hurt can assert a claim against that truck driver, and the company the driver works for. Call a Virginia blind spot truck accident lawyer right away to get all of the compensation you deserve.

What is a Blind Spot?

A blind spot refers to any area that cannot be seen from the cab of a motor vehicle, by looking in the mirrors. Many truck drivers do their best to overcome these blind spots by deploying additional mirrors on the sides and front of the trucks. This array of mirrors ensures that the driver can merge and turn without the risk of striking a car next to, on the side of, or directly in front of the truck.

Truck blind spots | Virginia truck accident lawyer

Where are the Blind spots on an 18-wheeler?

A tractor trailer, when hauling a standard, full length trailer, with its cab, can usually range between 70 and 80 feet long. These vehicles are often over 12 feet tall, and fully loaded, can weigh up to 80,000 pounds - this is before the vehicle is classified as oversized.

They are 4 primary blind spots on a tractor trailer:

  • Directly ahead of a truck. A truck driver sits in an elevated position, and most of these vehicles have a long nose where the engine is housed. Even looking directly down while driving, the average truck driver, unassisted, cannot see directly in front of the vehicle. This blind spot can hide a midsized car!

  • Passenger side. Directly to the right of a truck, along the drivers door, is a dangerous blind spot, because the truck driver cannot see through the passenger door. Some manufacturers of trucks recognize this blind spot, and actually have put windows on the bottoms of both the driver side and passenger doors of the truck cab. This allows the driver to look down, without a mirror, and see whether or not there is a vehicle directly next to him. However, some truck drivers throw items and clothing in their passenger side wheel well, which may obscure this excellent safety feature

  • Driver side. Just as with the passenger side, the truck driver cannot see directly next to his vehicle. However, since the driver is sitting on this side of the vehicle, there is less of an argument that the truck driver cannot or should not see a vehicle immediately next to him.

  • Behind the trailer. Truck drivers cannot see behind the trailer. Even where they to have some sort of camera, you have to remember that a cab is not permanently attached to the trailer. In a given week, some truck drivers can haul ten different trailers. We have all seen the signs that are on the back of most trailers that warn motorists if you cannot see my mirrors, I cannot see you.

Motorists, that is drivers of smaller vehicles, can lessen the chance of these accidents by driving more cautiously next to trucks.

  1. Do not coast next to trucks!

  2. Pass the truck and then reduce speed once you have gotten away from it, so that you are not comfortably in a trucked blind spot.

  3. Never tailgate a tractor trailer. An 18 Wheeler may have to stop abruptly and you may strike the rear of that truck this is doubly dangerous because most trailers have rear wheel protection on the back of the trailers, that is generally designed to stop the trailer from riding up on something as the truck backs. However this device can also have the effect of crumpling the front of another vehicle

Tructor Trailer Blind Spot | Virginia truck accident attorney

Who is responsible for a blind spot accident?

This is a very complicated question. Virginia is a state that practices contributory negligence. Contributory negligence means that a person cannot assert a claim for damages if they are even 1% responsible for the incident that caused their injuries.

It is vital to speak to an attorney immediately after an accident, so that attorney can begin to investigate who indeed is responsible. If it is found that the car driver is responsible, even partially, that driver cannot recover.

Having said that, not all blind spot accidents or the car driver's fault. Sometimes truck drivers are in a hurry, they do not look, and others, have not properly equipped their vehicles with the mirrors necessary. Some are exhausted from driving too much, or were distracted by the many electrical devices and computerized reporting systems in the truck itself.

Speak to a Virginia truck accident lawyer right away to begin to run these things to ground. If there is a case to be made, and we can prove that you are not at fault, we can make a case for you.

Call a Virginia Blind Spot Accident Attorney

Every driver knows that his car has blind spots. Every truck driver does too. Because of our negligence rules, it is important that we begin investigating right away. There are videos, electronic device logs, telephone records, and so many other things that have to be properly investigated, and preserved as evidence, so that we can make and effective claim and get you the compensation that you deserve.

If you believe that you have been injured in a Virginia truck accident, call a law firm has a lot of experience dealing with truck accidents on our roadways. Contact the Alexandria Injury Attorney today – 703-879-5910