FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA (April 25, 2024) - A fatal motorcycle accident occurred late Wednesday night, 4/24/24, in the Burke area of Fairfax county, around 10:30 p.m.
Fairfax County Police report that the crash happened at the intersection of Old Keene Mill road, and Shiplett Boulevard in the Burke area of Fairfax county. At the present time, police are only stating that these two vehicles were involved, the motorcycle and the car.
No mention has been made of the cause of the accident, or who is at fault. The road was shut down for a while as law enforcement officials conducted a scene investigation, in order to determine these currently unknown facts.
We do know that the motorcyclist died at the scene.
Our thoughts are with the family of the motorcyclist who died, tragically.
Motorcycle Crashes in Fairfax County
Motorcycle accident cases are among the worst that we have to handle at Blaszkow Legal. Motorcycle accidents usually result in serious if not catastrophic injuries, and even death. A motorcyclist, beyond leather gear and a helmet, has no protection when struck by a moving vehicle. Motorcycles are a great past time, and a passion shared by many, but a large number of motorcyclists feel that they have to drive doubly cautious, as some motorists do not pay enough attention to the roadway.
Investigating Motorcycle Accidents in Fairfax County
Motorcycle accidents, as they are normally fatal or result in very serious injuries, are often initially investigated by the Fairfax County Police's Crash Reconstruction Unit. However, an investigation by the police is not always sufficient for any civil claims that may be made afterwards. At Blaszkow Legal, the first thing that we do is begin our own, independent investigation.
This is not a duplication of effort, as sometimes people will give information to a law firm, that they will not give to police officers. Sometimes, we are able to develop facts and witnesses that the police did not know anything about. This can be crucial in proving a case.
Of course, not every accident involving a motorcycle is the fault of a negligent car driver. Some motorcyclists themselves drive negligently. The first thing that we have to determine is who is at fault for the accident. Our investigation, through witness interviews and the review of camera footage, is vital in helping us to determine who was negligent.
Negligence and Virginia Motorcycle Accidents
All motorcycle-involved accidents in Fairfax County are subject to specific doctrines of Virginia law. In Virginia, all motor vehicle collisions are reviewed through the lens of contributory negligence. This is a law which means that a person cannot recover any compensation if he or she is in any way responsible for the accident. Even if the injured party's negligence was minor, only 1%, this doctrine is still an absolute bar to recovery.
Car insurance companies love this legal doctrine! It allows them to deny so many claims that, in other states, they would have to pay. They often do this by speaking with people who are not yet represented by lawyers. The insurance industry has a very bad habit of trying to take statements immediately from people involved in crashes, and then turning around and denying claims. In order to defeat this underhanded insurance tactic, you should never speak to an insurance company without a lawyer!
Your Claim for Damages After a Motorcycle Crash in Fairfax County
If you have been hurt in a motor vehicle collision, you have the right to file a claim for your injuries and all of your damages against the person or company whose negligence caused the crash. This claim is designed to compensate you for all of the ways that the crash has impacted the facets of your life. This impact is not only financial, but is also personal, physical, and emotional. There are many elements that make up your claim for damages and include:
Medical expenses
Future medical expenses
Time lost from work
Future lost wages
Loss of earning capacity
Pain and suffering
Permanent injury
and even Wrongful Death
Speak to a Fairfax County motorcycle accident lawyer right away
If you have been hurt after a motor vehicle collision in Fairfax county, and you were not at fault, you need to speak to an experienced Fairfax motorcycle accident lawyer today! The sooner the better, because everyone is going to want to speak with you. From the police to car insurance companies to the press, anything you say can and will be used against you by the insurance industry.
Never let them take advantage of you. Call Blaszkow Legal today for a free consultation at 703-879-5910
Note: When creating these blog posts, our team of writers utilizes external sources, including local and state news sources, social media platforms, police accident incident reports, state police accident reports, and at times, eyewitness accounts. Please contact us immediately if you discover any incorrect information so that we can update the post with the most current, accurate information available.
Disclaimer: This post is not a business solicitation, and none of the information provided in this blog post should be interpreted as medical or legal advice. If you have been injured in an accident, seek immediate medical attention and contact an attorney immediately. This post's featured image was not captured at the actual accident scene.