$250,000 Car Accident Settlement Published in Virginia Lawyers Weekly!
We are very pleased to announce that Virginia Lawyers Weekly, a publication that addresses many legal issues in the Commonwealth, has published an article about one of our car accident cases!
A young woman was a pedestrian, walking on the side of the road, upon the sidewalk, when she was struck violently by an speeding pick-up truck. The driver of the truck was DUI, with a blood alcohol content of 0.222%, almost three times the legal limit! This pedestrian (who was on the sidewalk!) was rushed to the hospital, and suffered some serious injuries to her head and leg.
The client immediately retained Blaszkow Legal, and we set to work investigating her case at once. We were soon confronted by the fact that the DUI driver only had a limited amount of available insurance coverage. However, Attorney Joseph Blaszkow was able to research some available uninsured-motorist coverage.
Uninsured motorist coverage generally applies when the tortfeasor, or person who caused the accident, has no insurance. Alternately, this coverage can come into play if the insurance company disclaims coverage, meaning they would normally have coverage, but due to certain facts, they are not insuring a particular loss. This happens when a car is stolen, or used by someone who is not permitted.
A part of Uninsured Motorist Coverage, also called UM, is Underinsured Motorist Coverage. This coverage, referred to as UIM, means that the tortfeasor's coverage is not sufficient to cover the damages of a person injured in an Alexandria car accident.
For this client, we were able to locate a potential $250,000 in coverage!
We were able to settle part of our client’s claim, against the tortfeasor for $150,000! However the UM insurance company, State Farm, is requiring litigation to obtain the full value of the claim, because they dispute our analysis of Virginia law. We are pursuing her case vigorously!
If you or a loved one has been struck by a vehicle in anywhere in Virginia, or the victim of a DUI, Blaszkow Legal can help - call the Alexandria Injury Attorney
You can review the article: https://valawyersweekly.com/2021/12/06/intoxicated-driver-left-road-struck-pedestrian-on-sidewalk/
Note: the article incorrectly states that the case has been filed in Fairfax County; the case is actually pending before the City of Alexandria Circuit Court
Edit/Amendment - this article was updated after the case was completed, in total. The settlement that Blaszkow Legal obtained for the client was all available insurance coverage, or $250,000.00