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Blaszkow Legal, PLLC

Medpay and PIP - What Are They? Should I Have Them?

Any motorist runs the risk of being involved in an accident - they do happen, whether truly accidental, or the result of someone else’s negligence. As drivers in the DC metropolitan area, we run a much higher-risk!
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Blaszkow Legal, PLLC

Happy 4th of July - Celebrate Safely!

The 4th of July will be celebrated in every town and city throughout the United States, including our neck of the American woods: Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, DC, and so on. It is a time when many will gather together, sing, dance, rejoice, and enjoy good food and close friends.
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Blaszkow Legal, PLLC

Happy Halloween - Some Safety Tips for Everyone

Halloween is a fun night for the young - and quite a few of the older generation, too - filled with friends, treats, frights, and scares. The only fun scares, though, are the planned and festive kind. No one wants to have a holiday ruined by mistakes, accidents, negligence, or carelessness.
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Blaszkow Legal, PLLC

Distracted Driving - Deadly and Dangerous!

So you are driving down the road, and your smart phone, sitting on the seat beside you rings - do you pick it up? Does your car’s infotainment system allow you to read text messages while you drive? Do you fiddle with your GPS as you head down the highway?
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Blaszkow Legal, PLLC

Lynnhill Condos - Do the Displaced Have a Case?

News rocked the DC Metro area last month as officials in Prince George’s County condemned an apartment building, Lynnhill Condominiums, for numerous violations of the fire code. According to news reports, the building management was given a grace period to effect repairs, but failed to do so.
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Blaszkow Legal, PLLC

Diminished Value: My Car Is a Wreck! What Do I Do About It?

As an Alexandria Injury Attorney dealing with various car accident cases, many of our clients have claims for the property damage sustained by their vehicles. More often than not, those claims are resolved quickly and easily, without any need for attorney involvement.
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Blaszkow Legal, PLLC

Dash-Cams: A Wise Investment?

More and more drivers these days are purchasing, installing, and using dashboard cameras for their cars. Many vehicles have them as a matter of course, like buses, tractor trailers, and emergency vehicles.
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Blaszkow Legal, PLLC

A Point of Privilege - An Analysis of Executive Privilege

The anticipated testimony before Congress of former FBI head James Comey, has led to discussion of whether the Trump Administration might seek to prevent Comey’s testimony by the assertion of Executive Privilege. The U.S. Supreme Court first recognized the concept of Executive Privilege in the 1974 case of U.S. v. Nixon.
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