Blaszkow Legal wins 2023 Business of the Year!
On April 20, 2023, Volunteer Alexandria recognized Attorney Joseph Blaszkow of Blaszkow Legal, PLLC with the “Business of the Year” award, during the Volunteers Are the Heart of Alexandria award ceremony. Volunteer Alexandria is a local non-profit that coordinates the recruitment of volunteers for all manner of charities and service organizations throughout Alexandria. In 2022, Volunteer Alexandria helped to organize and deploy almost 30,000 hours of volunteer time, calculated to be worth almost $900,000!
Blaszkow Legal is dedicated to helping the community that we serve. As an Alexandria-based car accident and personal injury law firm, we have provided legal representation to the Alexandria area, since we relocated here over ten years ago. Being able to give back to the community that has supported us is a blessing. Being recognized for giving back is unexpected and humbling.
Alive!, an interfaith organization, is the oldest and largest private safety net, founded in 1969, dedicated to fighting poverty and hunger by distributing food, transitional shelter, financial help, eviction prevention, furniture and housewares.
Mr. Blaszkow was given the award, and was introduced to His Honor, Justin Wilson, and Vice Mayor Amy Jackson (pictured above), as well as amazing representatives of Volunteer Alexandria and the Executive Leadership of ALIVE.
Since 2018, Blaszkow Legal has been a major supporter of Alive, Inc., with both financial contributions, as well as attorneys and staff donating time. We have helped with food drives, as well as an annual walk-a-thon, and the yearly Empty Bowls fund raiser. Founding lawyer Joseph Blaszkow currently serves on Alive’s Development Committee. Mr. Blaszkow encourages a mind set to give back to the community that has contributed to the law firm flourishing.
The award given to Mr Blaszkow by the Volunteers of Alexandria (of which ALIVE is a constituent part), makes us very proud of all that we have been able to do to help ALIVE accomplish it’s mission. , and will continue to do into the future. Concerning the award, Mr. Blaszkow said "It is very surprising, and I am honored to receive it. I did not expect it!"
The Award Citation itself!
The 2023 Honorees were able to get pictures taken that were planted in their respective names. Here is the Alexandria Injury Attorney with the tree that will bear his name for years to come!